

家不仅仅是你头顶上的一个屋顶——用它来巩固你的信用卡吧, finance home-improvement projects, or pay for other major expenses.


或打电话 1-800-561-9433

房屋净值贷款 感兴趣 率  4月  点  每月 付款
10年固定 8.590% 8.777% 0.000 $622.00
15年固定 8.840% 8.977% 0.000 $502.00

支付 shown do not include taxes and insurance premiums. 利率 are based on an evaluation of credit history, combined loan-to-value ratio, 贷款期限, 和入住率, 所以你们的利率可能会有所不同. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rates. Annual Percentage 利率 (4月), 9月1日生效, 2024, 例如每月还款额是用50美元的贷款金额来计算的,000, 单户住宅的信用评分为730分或更高,贷款价值比合计为80%,预计成交成本为622美元.00 for the 10-year and $502.15年的期限是100美元. A loan origination fee of $375 and a title search fee will apply. Additional state or local mortgage fees or taxes may apply. 关于利息的扣除,请咨询您的税务顾问. 计划、费率、条款和条件如有变更,恕不另行通知.


Your home could be your ticket to needed funds.


  • 在贷款期限内锁定固定利率,每月固定付款
  • 你可以借的金额是基于你在你的房子的权益, up to 100% of the value of the home
  • Get the money you need upfront in a lump-sum single payout
  • Never worry about the possibility of rising interest rates
  • 10-year and 15-year loan options

计算 How Much You Can Borrow


  • You want money upfront in a lump-sum single payout
  • You want predictable monthly payments that stay the same
  • You want to use it for major expenses, 比如家居装修, 新车, 学费, 大的假期, 第二个家, 大件商品, 或者其他一次性需求
  • You want to consolidate debt from other loans or credit cards

Compare 房屋净值 Options

So, what exactly is a 房屋净值贷款?



权益是你房屋的现值减去你欠其他抵押贷款的金额. 你可以借的金额是基于你在你的房子的权益. 

How a 房屋净值贷款 Works

Sometimes called a second mortgage, 房屋净值贷款是你以房屋净值为抵押借入的一笔钱. 正如你的第一笔抵押贷款是由房产担保的,房屋净值贷款也是如此. 您可能有资格获得高达100%的房屋评估价值, minus the balance of your first mortgage.

你在固定期限内按月等额偿还贷款. 贷款期间的利率是固定的,这样你就可以做最好的预算. 

喜欢在持续的基础上获得可用资金的灵活性? 考虑一个 房屋净值 Line of Credit.


What can I use the loan for?

Your 元素 房屋净值贷款 is best for purchases such as:

  • Planned home-improvement projects
  • College (paying off student loans or paying 学费 directly)
  • 第二个家
  • 债务合并



There are benefits and trade-offs to all loans, especially when it comes to paying off major expenses. 这两种房屋净值选择都允许您根据房屋的评估价值借款, providing you with cash when you need it. Here are some of the differences:


A home equity loan is more like your original home mortgage. 你借一笔特定的钱,然后在固定的还款期限内定期还款. 您申请所需的金额,并以一次性一次性支付的方式提前收到这笔钱. 在贷款期间,利率是固定的,所以你的还款额永远不会改变. 

房屋净值 Line of Credit

Unlike a conventional loan, 房屋净值信用额度是你提前建立并在需要时使用的东西. 在这方面,它类似于信用卡,除了HELOC,你的房子被用作抵押品. You can access as much or a little as you need from your HELOC, 当你需要的时候, up to the credit limit established at closing. HELOC为您提供了以房屋净值为抵押借款、偿还和重复的灵活性. 利率是可变的,通常低于房屋净值贷款.

Use the chart below to determine which is better for your needs. 一如既往地, 您在元素的支持团队随时准备帮助您找到最适合您的产品,请致电我们 1-317-542-5055.

  房屋净值贷款 房屋净值 Line of Credit

Borrow funds using the equity in your home


Borrow funds using the equity in your home

Revolving credit line for the 10-year draw—use, repay, repeat








Variable 4月 after 6-month intro period: As low as 8.00%

A Good Option for a Major or Unexpected Purchase If You


Want money upfront in a lump sum single payout

Want a locked-in fixed interest rate

Want predictable monthly payments that stay the same


Want the flexibility of using funds whenever you need them



Best for purchases such as:

- Planned home improvement projects

任何东西! 购买如:



Whatever your available equity is in your home

Whatever your available equity is in your home


房屋净值贷款没有预付罚金或年费. Closing fees typically run between $538 to $641.

How do I access the funds?

您将在交易结束时一次性获得这笔资金. 资金可以通过支票或直接存入您选择的账户.

Does 利记app官网 offer debt consolidation loans?

我们确实提供合并贷款来合并账单和偿还其他债务. 房屋净值贷款(见本页信息)可用于此目的. Other options available to most members include 个人贷款, 房屋净值 Line of Credit甚至是第一次 抵押贷款再融资 with a debt consolidation option.

Why should I go to 元素 for my home equity loan?


更好的利率. 更少的费用.

Because we’re a credit union, we return profits to members in the form of reduced fees, higher savings rates and lower loan rates.

可信的建议. 新鲜的方法.

我们以成为值得信赖的金融教育机构而自豪. 我们会到您的工作场所回答您的问题,并为您提供有关贷款的个性化指导.

尊重当地. 在全球范围内访问.

自1930年以来,我们的总部设在印第安纳波利斯,在全国信用合作社中排名前3%2. We serve members in all 50 states and 50+ countries. 您可以使用全国5000多家共享分行和全球78000多台免费atm机.

高科技. 人类接触.

Our technology makes banking with 元素 easy. 从快速的数字应用程序到在线和移动银行,无论您走到哪里,我们都会在您身边. 我们在这里为您提供全天候会员服务,并在工作日进行实时聊天.




  1. 在线申请 - You can apply online in as little as 10 minutes! Submit your application anytime or call 1-800-561-9433 开始吧. Have ready your government-issued ID (driver’s license, 状态标识, or passport) and estimates of your household income, 资产, home value and price you paid for your home.
  2. 接我们的电话 - 我们将在您提交申请后的一个工作日内与您联系,查看我们需要哪些文件并回答您的问题.
  3. 安排收盘时间 - 我们将在10个工作日内与您联系,并在您方便的地点安排关闭,如果批准. 就是这样—— your loan can be put to work!


How Much Can I Borrow From My 房屋净值?



in a home equity loan or line of credit
  1. 1 利率 are based on an evaluation of credit history, combined loan-to-value ratio, 贷款期限, 和入住率, 所以你们的利率可能会有所不同. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rates. 期限为25年, 包括10年只付息的提款期和15年本金加利息的还款期, which may increase your monthly payments. The Introductory Annual Percentage 率 (4月) of 5.99%只适用于新的房屋净值信贷额度,并且只适用于前六个月. HELOC修改, 使用同一物业的续订和增加不被视为新的,也不符合介绍性费率. To receive the Introductory rate, 至少10美元的奖金,000 must be made within 30 days of account opening. After the introductory rate expires, 余额将根据《利记》公布的优惠利率加上保证金,按可变年利率收取. The 4月 will never be lower than 3.75%或高于18%. 规定的费率, correct as of September 19, 2024, applies to borrowers with credit scores of 730 or greater, CLTV 80%或更低, and owner-occupied single-family residences. 利记app官网将有条件地免除与您的房屋净值信贷额度相关的以下交割费用:洪水认证, title search or title abstract, 信用报告, 记录的费用, 一个简单的估值. 您可能需要支付其他费用,如税收,以及必要时的评估费. 然而, 如果您关闭您的房屋净值信贷额度后36个月内,它是开放的, 贵方将被要求按最初豁免的交割费用金额支付提前交割费. These costs vary by state and property type. 利记app官网保留随时修改或终止此优惠的权利. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Subject to credit approval. 利记app官网 Membership Required.
  2. 2 Based on asset size as of 12/31/2022.